Click dentures

Choose beatiful click denturesmade by
the denture specialist off Denteam Clinics


Why implant dentures?

Do you feel uncomfortable wearing loose-fitting dentures? Does it move around while talking and eating? Have your jaws started shrinking because there are no roots left? Then, a click denture is an ideal solution. Discover the Denteam Clinics approach for the installation of click dentures.


Change from loose dentures to fixed dentures

Has adhesive paste become indispensable to you because, without it, you have loose dentures? Does this make it uncomfortable for you to laugh, talk, and eat, and does it make you feel insecure? With a click denture, this is a thing of the past. You no longer have to worry about shifting dentures. Click dentures stay in place. Denteam Clinics can help you get properly functioning, secure and attractive dentures.

Implant retained dentures

Click-on dentures are prosthetic dentures that can be clicked onto implants. Implants are so-called artificial roots. Two implants in the lower jaw are enough to connect your dentures in place and prevent them from moving or falling out. As the name says, it is just as easy to click the dentures in as it is to take them out. Of course, it is also very easy to clean your dentures.

In most cases, a click denture prosthetic is placed in the lower jaw. However, it is also possible to place one in the upper jaw. If you still doubt about getting an artificial teeth implant, the advantages below may help convince you.

Click dentures improve your taste.
The denture is firmly fixed, which makes adhesive paste unnecessary.
Similar to loose dentures, they can be easily removed for cleaning.
The costs are usually covered by basic insurance (with a small personal contribution).


What do implant dentures cost?

It is difficult to determine the exact costs of the procedure. To give a good indication, our dental specialists will first need to examine your teeth. During this assessment, the dentists look at the health of your gums and teeth. Next, we discuss your wishes, which treatment best suits your situation and the related costs.

Four steps to a beautiful smile again!

  • Intake interview

    Diagnosis, X-ray, examination, listening to problems, your personal story and your wishes. Know what is possible.

  • Treatment plan and budget

    Clear information about the possible treatment(s) and associated costs. Know what you are choosing.

  • Start of treatment programme

    Implementation of the chosen plan and fine guidance at all stages. On the way to a bright smile.

  • Maintenance and aftercare

    Together, we will keep your teeth healthy. You will receive advice on daily cleaning, periodic check-ups and dental maintenance.

This is how the click denture treatment works

At Denteam Clinics, you do not have to wait long for clickable denture treatment. We do not have a long waiting list. You can make an intake appointment today. If you feel comfortable about the Denteam Clinics intake, we gladly devise a treatment plan and estimate. We will apply for authorization from your health insurance for maximum reimbursement.

The treatment requires five appointments.

  • 01Implantation
  • 02Suture removal
  • 03Freeing the implants
  • 04Making an impression for a fixed prosthesis
  • 05Placing of the denture
  • 06Aftercare permanent denture implants

We open the gums and drill enough space in the jawbone for the implants. Next, we screw the implants in, and a healing cap is placed at bone level. After that, the gums are closed with sutures.

Sometimes, it is necessary to do a bone reconstruction before or during the implantation procedure. In most cases, X-rays will show whether this is necessary. You will be informed about it during the intake. In exceptional cases, the dentist may still decide on a bone reconstruction procedure during the treatment, but never without consulting you first.

Suture removal

After one week, you will return to our clinic to remove the stitches. We will make X-rays again to assess exactly if the implants are positioned in the jaw correctly. If that is the case, it is time to have the implants properly sutured for a period of 3 to 4 months.

Freeing the implants

During this appointment, the dentist will free the implants. The gums will be opened up a little bit to replace the healing cap with a higher one. After this stage, the healing time is about one week.

The denture for your click denture will be adjusted in our dental laboratory.

Making an impression for a fixed prosthesis

We remove the healing caps temporarily and take an impression post on the implants. After that, we will make an impression for the new click denture. Together, we decide on the color. After the impression is taken, the healing cap will be replaced. Now it is time for the denture technicians to start making the bar construction.

Placing of the denture

You will be with us for about a day for this fifth appointment. In the morning, we need your denture to make the bar construction. In the afternoon, the dentist will place your denture on the implants. The healing cap will be screwed off, and the bar will be placed. We will clearly explain how everything works, and you have the opportunity to practice a few times. Finally, it is time to enjoy your permanent dentures.

Aftercare permanent denture implants

It is important that you clean your denture and implants properly. We provide you with clear instructions on how to do this. After that, we would like to see you at least once a year for your regular dental check-up.

Echt vakwerk dat ze leveren

Henk: "We gaan met plezier naar de gebitscontrole. We weten precies wat er gaat gebeuren, dat je fijn wordt behandeld én dat het geen pijn doet.”

New upper teeth

My upper teeth had shrunk over the years. To solve that problem, they made new teeth, so-called porcelain bridges over my own teeth. My upper teeth now look completely new again.

New beautiful teeth

Saskia comes from Stekene, Belgium, past Antwerp. It is an hour and a half drive to CDC for her, but the trip was worth it. "I am glad I took this step. For me it was the start of a new life."

Lachend door het leven.

Ik kom al 12 jaar bij DTC én zonder angst. Bij DTC hebben ze eerst mijn hele gebit opgeknapt en nu onderhouden ze het ieder half jaar. Fijne mensen daar, stuk voor stuk vriendelijk en deskundig!"

Meet the Denteam Clinics click teeth team that can help you.

At Denteam Clinics Complete Dental Care you will be helped by very experienced treatments in click prostheses. For more than 20 years there have been daily treatments for click dentures. With the best care and service, we also help you with a well-functioning and beautiful, natural-looking click prosthesis. Or do you prefer a fixed porcelain bridge on implants, the so-called all-on-4. Together with our dental team we make the most beautiful pieces of work in-house because: Your smile is our passion!

Our team is also ready for you for regular oral care or the replacement of your dentures.

Jürgen Lortz

Dentist / Implantologist

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Joana Duarte


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Wibo Wijzenbeek

Clinical Prosthesis Technician

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    Your smile is our passion.
    Why Denteam Clinics Complete Dental Care?

    If you think your TEETH and your HEALTH is the most important in live, than you choose wisely for EXPERIENCE and the BEST QUALITY.

    • Everything under 1 roof

      In our dental clinic, laboratory and anaesthesia centre, all specialists work closely together. This way you get better quality and faster treatment!

    • Experienced specialists

      From cosmetic to complex dental treatments, scared or not? Your wish is no stranger to us. More than 30,000 patients have already chosen for us.

    • Own anaesthetic centre

      Ideal for very anxious patients. The anaesthetist puts you to sleep with a team in a specially equipped anaesthetics centre. Safety first!

    • Care consultants

      From the first appointment onwards, you will be guided by our care consultants. You can tell them all your questions, worries and stories. It’s a reassuring feeling.

    • Highest review scores

      We receive dozens of reviews every week and the score is always high. All feedback is important to us because it helps us to keep our quality and service high.

    • Own dental lab

      The best results come from the daily cooperation between the dentists and the dental technicians in our lab. Your teeth are custom-made and therefore perfectly suited to you.

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